Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gone, but Never Forgotten

I have worked with Ken for the past 7 years since Goodban & Walsh merged with Wertz. I also came to Wertz via a merger with another local Long Beach CPA firm, Murchison & Marek.

Years before the merger, I would see Ken at breakfast meetings of the CPA society at the Marriott in Long Beach. He was always smiling, laughing and sporting suspenders (usually red). At that time, I didn’t even know his name. When he first walked through the doors at Wertz, I said (to myself) “It’s suspender guy”. I got to know Ken and admire him. He always had a positive outlook; I guess he was a “the glass is half full” type of person. He never had an unkind word to say about anyone. He was a terrific listener and advisor. He always tried to see the good in a person or situation. Ken had a great sense of humor!

Now, he is gone. You never realize how much you will miss someone until they are gone from your life. There are many little things Ken did around the office that we will all miss. His huge belly laugh. The smell of bananas he kept in his office. The sound of him blowing his nose (it sounded like a pump). Every day, standing in the hall outside Paul’s office and saying “You gonna eat today PZ?” That meant it was lunch time. And then, after lunch, stretching in the hall and patting his tummy in satisfaction. He really, really loved to eat. One more thing we will miss, whenever he heard a woman’s voice in the lobby, he would find an excuse to come out of his office to check out who was here. He loved to look at the girls.

Anyone who knew Ken, in any capacity, is richer for having known him. I will always remember Ken for the warm, fun, kind and adventurous person he was. The world is a sadder place without him.

Helena Lisk

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