Monday, May 26, 2008

My friend Kenny Mitchell

I’ve been sort of putting this off thinking if I don’t post anything then Ken will come back, because this didn’t happen. I know it’s silly and useless, but I can’t even imagine life without my best friend. I was in no way prepared for such a tragedy. I guess none of us were. Ken was a joy, so full of life and fun. He had a childlike quality that was both endearing and sometimes annoying. He was a completely unique person. I never met, nor expect to meet anyone quite like Kenny. I loved him. He was my chosen Blood Brother, my companion thru thick and thin.

When it finally sunk in (his passing) my wife Peggy turned to me and asked, “How will we live without Kenny Mitchell?” I did not have an answer for her and still don’t. She loved him as much as I did.

That exuberant personality of his was like a roller-coaster ride. One time in Cancun, we got kicked out of a taxi cab, because the driver thought we were about to get in a fist fight. We were just arguing at full volume. Anyway, the taxi cab driver thought it best to throw us out on a freeway no less.

Ken and I shared many adventures some good, some bad, but all precious memories because they were with Kenny. I valued his friendship and the time we spent together. He was a diamond in my life, albeit a diamond in the rough. But, that’s just fine with me.

God bless you Kenny, thanks for everything.

Your pal,


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