Thursday, May 29, 2008

Parting of a Dear Friend - Remembrances

We just returned from our visit to Chuck's 102 year old mother in Chicago and plan to attend Ken's Memorial Service but we wanted to share some thoughts with his family; and in the finality and grief of Ken's passing, in some way say our own farewells.

Ken, we still expect to see you drive into Busy Apron parking lot in your Miata or red Porsche, joining us for breakfast with lively talk on your latest travels, current sports topics or your wealth of knowledge on history and current events. Basketball and Baseball season found us discussing various teams as well as yours and Chucks childhood baseball teams of Pirates and Cubs. After our children were grown, we began to see more of you. Chuck would seek your advice on tax matters and you would seek Chuck's advice on computers and mechanical gadgets.

We were introduced to you when Chuck played on the Mitchell Brother's softball team in the 1980's. You and Chuck had sports in common but more than that you shared an Eastern European heritage that emphasized frugalness and the value of saving and investing while still enjoying life's pleasures. You became like family -- we certainly spent more time together than most relatives: breakfasts and dinners at Busy Apron Restaurant; Sunday visits to the swap meet; late lunches at Mexi Casa and summer swims at your pool; bicycle rides on the riverbed and Fullerton basketball games; a European trip for Ken and Chuck to explore their common roots in Slovakia; Christmas Eve dinner at our house -- We have so many fond memories!

You spoke occasionally of the growing up years in Slovan, Pennsylvania and later in Florida as well as your years in the military stationed in Germany. You and your siblings overcame many obstacles to reach adulthood but you persevered and were able to reach financial stability and also travel to many places throughout the world.

With the end of tax season and six-day work weeks, you and Chuck discussed with anticipation your next adventure in a far away land. When Chuck left for Chicago that Friday he mentioned to Anja that Ken should already be in Bolivia beginning his long-awaited vacation. Little did we all know how far away that would actually take you. We like to picture you now in a place more amazing then imaginable and hope that you are exploring the beauty of heaven through the grace of our Savior, Jesus. Ken, you were loved and will be sorely missed.

Chuck and Anja Pavlak

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